Using Balayage and Ombré techniques to color hair is something I’m passionate about. To me, it’s like your hair is a canvas for me to paint.
What is Balayage?
“It’s a technique for highlighting the hair in which the dye is painted on in such a way as to create a graduated, natural-looking effect.”

The left picture shows hair color done 6 weeks ago. Today a new cut and the color is looking FABULOUS! This is what’s great about Ombré and Balayage, it grows out beautiful with less upkeep!
What is Ombré?
It is a French word that means “shaded”. In the hair color world, it is the gradual blending of one color hue to another, usually moving tints and shades from light to dark.

For me whenever I do an Ombré hair color it is done with the Balayage style where I hand paint your hair. I honestly do that to a certain extent with any hair color I perform. But a Balayage may not be an Ombré. Confused?

Ombré is the style of the color application where you transition for a lighter shade to a darker shade and is generally done on darker hair. This technique on a blond is called a Sombré which is a more subtle technique.
Balayage comes from the French word “to sweep.” This is exactly what your hair stylist will do, sweep color onto your hair creating a subtle and natural look. The Balayage is more subtle so therefore has less upkeep involved. A true Ombre needs to be touched up on a regular basis.
Whether you want a Balayage an Ombré or a Sombré I’m here to help you create your perfect look.
The main thing to know is that you don’t want to try these at home, that style is called a Homebré and no one wants to see that, right ladies?